CHAPTER TEN WATER, WOOD, WETLANDS--AND WHAT NEXT? CHAPTER TEN: TABLE OF CONTENTS Nature of the Problem Consumer Water Issues Lumber Wetlands Conclusions Public concern about resources, the environment, and population growth constantly shifts its target. When those who are worried about loss of farmland run out of arguments with which to rebut the data that land is growing less scarce, they are wont to say, "But what about water? If we run out of water, the amount of land won't matter." Worry about the "loss" of forests is another old bugaboo that has again become fashionable. Earlier in this century, people worried that timber would become scarce as forests were cut for lumber, yet wood is now in greater supply than ever. (Another concern about forests--their availability as recreational land and as habitat for wildlife--is addressed in chapter 29.) And now even wetlands, formerly known as swamps, have come to share the environmentalists' spotlight. Let's begin by briefly discussing the supposedly worsening water shortage, a topic that there was no need to address at the time of the first edition. The ridiculousness of such "conservation" measures as not putting water on the tables of restaurants or not flushing the toilet every time it is used is discussed in Chapter 20. Nature of the Problem Water does not change into something else, as do fossil fuels that are burned. Rain and seawater come back to us in the same form in which we originally used them, unlike (say) raw copper. And water never languishes in a dump, as scrap iron does. Furthermore, the quantity of water in the oceans is huge by any comparison. The only possible water problems, then, are that (a) there is not enough water in a place that it is wanted at a given moment, and hence the price is too high; and (b) the available water is dirty. Usable water is like other resources, however, in being a product of human labor and ingenuity. People "create" usable water, and there are large opportunities to discover and utilize new sources. Some additional sources are well-known and already in partial use: transport by ship from one country to another, deeper wells, cleaning dirty water, towing icebergs to places where water is needed, and desalination. But there also are entirely new possibilities, about some of which there already are hints, and about others which - inevitably - nothing is known. An important example of a newly-discovered source is the aquifers in areas where the underlying rock has large faults. In the past, geologists had assumed that the water in these large watersheds does not flow easily from place to place, and especially, does not flow vertically. But scuba divers have been able to map the movement of the water in these aquifers, and to demonstrate that it does move vertically. In this fashion, huge new supplies of groundwater have been found in the Red Sea Province of eastern Sudan, Florida, and elsewhere. This new method has also revealed that massive watersheds are in greater danger of being polluted by ground water than had previously been known. The direction is thereby pointed to pollution prevention. Consumer Water Issues For perspective on modern consumer water issues, consider that in a typical poor area in South Africa in the 1990s - which is how it also used to be only a century or so ago in what is now the rich world - the average household spends about three full hours of labor each day hauling water from the source to the house in order to supply its water needs. In comparison, typical households in middle class areas can pay for a day's worth of water with the pay from perhaps one or two minutes of work. And the price of water brought to the house by a water carrier in poor areas of South Africa is perhaps 25 or 30 times the price of water in a modern middle class area in South Africa. So the long-run trend, as with all other natural resources, has been toward a much greater abundance of water, rather than toward greater scarcity. This illustrates the basic theory of this book, the process by which new problems eventually leave us better off than if the problems had not arisen. The opposite view - that we are exploiting the future and that retribution will inevitably destroy civilization - is discussed in chapter 38. We can immediately simplify our subject by noting that water for residential use will never be a long-run problem in itself because even at the cost of the most expensive means of production - desalination - the cost of water used by households is small relative to household budgets in rich countries. Let's say that an acre-foot of desalinated water - that is, 325,851 gallons - costs $700 or $1,900 in 1992 dollars (depending on how you figure), as in Santa Barbara, California. The average household in that affluent area uses perhaps 7,500 gallons per month (about the same as in the suburbs of Washington, D.C.), or 90,000 gallons ($500 worth) a year. Even if the price of water in Washington, D.C., rises at the source from zero to $1,900 per acre foot, the increase per household would only be about $500 yearly. This is not an insignificant amount, to be sure, but it represents the greatest possible increase; desalinated water will be available forever at a maximum of this price, so population can grow indefinitely without pushing the price of water beyond the desalinated cost. The desalinated price probably will be much less as technology improves and the price of energy falls; for example, a desalination plant that uses waste heat from an existing power plant produces water for only about half of the cost cited above. (The present price of water at the source is not zero, either; in Southern California the wholesale price of water is about $500 per acre-foot. Furthermore, homes reduce their use of water as the price goes up. In areas where water is metered even though not expensive, water use is only about half what it is per home as in areas where water is purchased at a flat monthly rate. Figures 10-1a and 10-1b show how the amount of water used is responsive to the price. Figures 10-1a and 10-1b The most important fact for consumer water supply is that most water is used in agriculture. For example, irrigation takes 80 percent of the water used in Utah and 90 percent in New Mexico. And the amount of water used in agriculture is very sensitive to the price. The reason that there are cases of absolute shortage and rationing is that price is not allowed to respond to market conditions, but rather is fixed at a low subsidized price in many agricultural areas. For example, farmers near Fresno, California pay $17 for an acre-foot of water, while according to the U.S. General Accounting Office the "full cost" is $42 a foot. In some areas in California farmers pay $5 per acre-foot whereas the Los Angeles water authorities pay $500 per acre-foot. Such subsidies encourage farmers to plant crops that use water heavily, which diverts water from urban areas. Another difficulty is that agricultural and municipal rights to use water from rivers are complex legal structures that often do not fit modern needs. Water economists are agreed that if governments stop subsidizing water to farmers, and allow water rights to be bought and sold freely, water shortages would no longer appear. But bureaucratic government restrictions often prevent those who have rights to more water than they need from selling their water rights to those who are willing to pay for the water; the bureaucrats fight a free market tooth and nail to protect their own powers, and the results are amazing stories of governmentally caused inefficiency and true scarcity leading to rationing. The typical endpoint of this irrational structure of overcontrol, miscontrol, and price-fixing by government is "drought police" or "water cops" in California cities who ticket people for activities such as illegal lawn watering. For more information, see Terry Anderson's forthcoming book. As to the cleanliness and purity of the water that we drink, see chapter 17. LUMBER Lumber is an agricultural product. As such it fits more neatly into this chapter on water and land use than into a chapter about energy, even though wood has been the main source of fuel in most places in the past. Americans have long worried about a lumber shortage. In 1905 President Roosevelt said that "a timber famine is inevitable," a statement that culminated a national worry dating from as early as 1860. There was special concern over such woods as hickory. And under titles like "Tree Slaughter", a typical commentator today laments the "nightmare of splintered stumps and ravaged land". With too-typical disregard for the facts, that author talks about how the national forests are "now the great remaining repository of high quality softwood timber", when in fact privately-owned forests are the overwhelmingly important source of sawtimber, and growing more so with every year, as Figure 10-2 shows. FIGURE 10-2 from CEQ 86, p. C-98] In the first edition, I said that despite the heavy use of wood since Teddy Roosevelt's time, the picture was quite different in the 1970s than it was then. I quoted a report that a "glut of low grades of factory lumber exists [and] a lack of market opportunities continues to set severe limitations on improvement of state and national forests.... [By 1951] hickory trees were taking over the eastern hardwood forest. In spite of expanded uses of timber for pulp and paper, we are [in 1971] probably growing more cubic feet of wood annually than we were in 1910". As the Council on Environmental Quality explained, "trends in net annual timber growth [total annual growth less mortality] show that the net annual growth of softwoods and hardwoods combined increased by 18 percent between 1952 and 1962 and another 14 percent between 1962 and 1970. This increase is a result of expanded programs in forest fire control, tree planting, and other forestry measures". Since then, the amount of lumber being grown has continued to rise. (See figure 10-3.) FIGURE 10-3 [old 5-5.] Data on the trends in quantities of trees growing in various size classes of hardwoods and softwoods shows the basis for both the fears of the environmentalists and the reassurances of the forest industry. The largest and oldest trees - the Douglas firs and other softwoods on the Pacific Northwest - were cut at an extraordinary rate from the 1960s to 1980s. (The rate of cutting may have been increased by fear of coming regulations, one of the side effects of regulation.) But the quantity of trees in just about every other category has been increasing rapidly. And the rate of removal of the old growth in the Pacific Northwest has slowed almost to a crawl. Data on reforestation are shown in figure 10-4. And 86 percent of that reforestation is private, only 14 percent being done by government, testimony again to the role of private incentives in creating both wealth and ambiance. Many trees are planted in order to be cut down - especially for paper. Indeed, "87 percent of all paper in the United States is produced from trees planted and grown for that purpose by the paper industry." Hence regretting the cutting of trees for paper is like lamenting the cutting of corn in cornfields. FIGURE 10-4[CEQ 86 Table 4-26a] Figure 10-5 shows data on the decline in losses to wildfire - again, good news for tree lovers. FIGURE 10-5[W CEQ 86 Table 4-27] Despite the improving situation, as of the first edition, the data did not show a long-run decline in the price of wood - unlike all other natural resources. But by 1992, the price data show that the same pattern of price decline is taking place as with other natural resources. The present situation is captured in a headline in a timber industry publication: "Bad News: Timber Prices Are Not Rising As Fast As Inflation Rate". The decline in prices occurred for each of the eight kinds of sawtimber and pulpwood (including hardwood), for the entire U.S. South. The situation in Europe is much the same. Forest resource surveys, which provide fairly reliable data, show that for Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland, there has been "a general increase of forest resources" in recent decades (see figure 10-6). Estimates for other European countries based on less accurate methods indicate that "All countries reported an increase of growing stock between 1950 and 1980." FIGURE 10-6[4-t] These data are at odds with assertions that European trees have been adversely affected by air pollution. The forestry specialists reporting in Science therefore adjudge that "The fertilization effects of pollutants override the adverse effects at least for the time being." In fact, the rate of growth of tree size in Europe has been faster in more recent years than earlier in the century. Of course there have been some cases of forest decline due to pollution, such as the 5 kilometers around a smelter at Kola in northwestern Russia. The damaged areas total perhaps 2000 square kilometers in the former Soviet Union, and a total maximum of 8000 square kilometers in Europe, less than 0.5 percent of the total. Why does the public believe that forests in Europe are declining when they are really increasing? Part of the explanation is that researchers invalidly infer general effects from partial biological data. For example, in an earlier issue of Science there appeared an article entitled "Air Pollution and Forest Decline in a Spruce Forest" in which the author inferred the conclusion of an overall decline. What he had actually observed were "symptoms of forest decline of spruce in Europe range from needle yellowing and loss to tree and stand mortality," to which he added theories about the effects of various gaseous pollutants. Logical? Perhaps. Correct? No. That has too often been true of environmental scares. Even taking the world as a whole - which includes poor countries that are still in the phase of deforesting (they will reforest when they become more affluent) - the total quantity of forests shows no evidence of declining, as seen in figure 10-7. FIGURE 10-7[-S from Sedjo] The confounding of predictions, and the shift from an apparently impending "timber famine" to actual glut was not fortuitous. It resulted from responses to perceived need. One response was that more timber was purposely planted. Another response has been higher productivity, so that an increasing number of trees grow on a shrinking area. Perhaps most important have been conservation efforts due to higher prices, and research on wood and wood substitutes. We see the results in our homes - plastic bags substituted for paper bags; and newsprint made thinner and yet stronger, as in airmail editions of overseas newspapers. Perhaps wood will not even be used for paper in the future. Kenaf and other plants show promise as alternative sources of newsprint. Kenaf grows to a height of 12-15 feet in five months, and yields "about 12 tons of dry plant per acre...roughly nine times the yield of wood" per year. It has disadvantages, such as a high cost of transportation that makes it necessary that the farms be close to the mill. But the quality of paper made from it is better than paper from wood. And it is already being used in the Far East. Ironically, greater use of kenaf would reduce the demand for trees to be grown, which outdoorspeople might regret. Just as with food, fears in the past about running out of wood have not been realized. And there is no reason to believe that the trends of earlier decades will suddenly reverse their direction. (Of course, we value forests for more reasons than timber. The extent of forests in the U.S. and in the world as an amenity for people and as an environment for other species is discussed in Chapter 29.) WETLANDS The preservation of "wetlands" - up to recent decades, known as "swamp ground" - is a remarkably clear-cut case of an activity having nothing to do with food production. The prevention of urbanization is justified (wrongly) as saving land for food production in the future, but wetlands preservers make very clear that keeping land available for agriculture is not their reason. "If the price of soybeans gets high enough, there's no reason why the owner wouldn't sell them [wetlands] or convert them [to crops]" says Louisiana's chief habitat biologist. The aim is to keep these lands out of production. (Actually, the preservationists need not worry about agricultural encroachment, because the price of soybeans is likely to be dropping rather than increasing in future years, just as it has for all other foodstuffs; see chapter 5). If our society deems it worthwhile to keep some lands wet or unurbanized or desert-like for the sake of the ambiance, or for the sake of animals, the economist can make no judgment about the wisdom of the policy. If we want to have arid Gila National Forest in New Mexico the way that "forest biologists [think] the range should look," as the ranger in charge put it, or because, as the county executive in Montgomery County, Maryland, where I now live, said about farmland, "Most people find it attractive. It has good ambiance," that is a public choice. Or as a Wilderness Society official says, we should "protect the land not just for wildlife and human recreation, but just to have it there." Of course, if we want parks, or even land that no one will use or visit, we should be prepared to pay for them. We can also ask that the judgment be made on the basis of sound facts and analysis. And civil libertarians can raise reasonable questions about whether private owners of these land should have their property rights taken away without compensation. CONCLUSIONS Concerning water, there is complete agreement among water economists that all it takes to ensure an adequate supply for agriculture as well as for households in rich countries is that there be a rational structure of water law and market pricing. The problem is not too many people but rather defective laws and bureaucratic interventions; freeing up markets in water would eliminate just about all water problems forever. Ever cheaper desalination and water transportation - in considerable part because of declining energy prices in the long run - will ease supply in the future. In poor water-short countries the problem with water supply - as with so many other matters - is lack of wealth to create systems to supply water efficiently enough. As these countries become richer, their water problems will become less difficult and more like those of the rich countries today, irrespective of population growth. [Similar comments to come on forests and wetlands.] page # \ultres\ tchar10 December 23, 1993